Set Details

Grand Prix Set

United Kingdom

Grand Prix Set

Years Released: 1986 1987 1988 (Item Year pages)
Item released for 3 years.

Item: Grand Prix Set
Information: ---
Category: Sets
Category Details: Scalextric sets from all eras.
Logo & Box Style:

1986 1987 1988

1986 1987 1988

Item Ranking:
Current: 128 - December 2023
Previous: 418 - November 2023
Movement: (+290)

Set Year Details (3)

1986 C.698 Grand Prix Set 1986
1987 C.698 Grand Prix Set 1987
1988 C.698 Grand Prix Set 1988

Set Items (2)

Ferrari 312T - Qudus
Released: 1986 1987 1988
15 Yellow
Brabham BT44B - Kotzting
Released: 1986 1987 1988
16 Blue

Set Year Information

1986 The track sections included with this set make up into a classic figure of eight banked circuit. This has equal running length for each car and allows really high speed racing. The cars are already brightly coloured and marked and a transfer sheet is supplied to enable drivers to personalize their vehicles.
Qudos Car
Kotzting Car
3 Straights
1 Starting Straight
2 Half Straights
8 Banked Curves
Crash Barriers
Bridge Supports
2 Hand Throttles
Power Pack for AC Mains 220-240 volts 50 Hz
C.719 Export Version Without Power Pack
1987 The fully banked figure 8 track circuit is both easy to drive on and fast. The running lengths of each track lane are the same so there can be no doubt that the winner of a series of races is the Champion Driver.
1 Qudos Car
1 Kotzting Car
3 Straights
1 Starting Straight
2 Half Straights
8 Banked Curves
Crash Barriers
Bridge Supports
2 Hand Throttles
Power Pack
1988 This is a classic type of Scalextric set. The all-banked curves make for fast driving and are well suited to less experienced drivers. The figure 8 track configuration is compact and interesting to drive on as each car will be on the outside lane at one end and the inside lane the other.

Service Sheets (0)


Catalogue Images (3)

C.698 - Grand Prix Set - 1986
C.698 Grand Prix Set - 1986

C.698 - Grand Prix Set - 1987
C.698 Grand Prix Set - 1987

C.698 - Grand Prix Set - 1988
C.698 Grand Prix Set - 1988

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