Item Year Details

1984 - Racing Truck - Old Glory

United Kingdom

Racing Truck - Old Glory

Item: Racing Truck - Old Glory (Overall Item page)
Number: None
Information: ---
Category: Trucks
Category Details: Racing trucks.
Car Category: Truck Racing
Truck Racing
Car Category Details: Spectacular big rig racing.
Make: Leyland
Logo: Leyland Logo
Logo Years: ---
Make Details: British Leyland formed in 1968, when British Motor Holdings merged with the Leyland Motor Company.
Make Country: United Kingdom
Model: T45
Model Details: The once popular T45 truck, was designed and built in the United Kingdom.
Model Production Years: ---
Base Colour: White

Colour Details: The perfect colour.
All Colours: White, Blue, Red
White Blue Red
Year: 1984
Catalogue Number: C.336
Year Information: Providing an exciting adventure into the powerful world of big truck racing, these new models are great fun to race with. Big rig racing is an extremely popular spectator sport in the United States and rigs like these can regularly be seen roaring around circuits at speeds well in excess of 100 mph. Monsters like these really take some stopping and a burst tyre often results in a spectacular incident.
Motor: ---
Publication Name: ….The Original Fast Mover…. Scalextric by Hornby - Model Motor Racing Catalogue 25th Edition
Publication Type: Catalogue
Publication Edition: 25th Edition
….The Original Fast Mover…. Scalextric by Hornby - Model Motor Racing Catalogue 25th Edition
Logo & Box Design:

Item Ranking:
Current: 625 - December 2023
Previous: 763 - November 2023
Movement: (+138)

Item Year Details (1)

1984 C.336 Racing Truck - Old Glory 1984

Service Sheets (0)


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